Good to know when you stay at Norje Havskrog's "Olas Minicamp 1"
Setyour GPS to Sjömarken (Norje), take exit no. 48, drive south towardsNorje and follow the signs.
First, Ola and the staff would like towelcome you here to Ola's Minicamp 1. We hope you enjoy your timehere. To make your stay here easier, there are a few things thatmight be good to know.
Distanceto the festival: approx. 20 min walk (if you think 20 min walk isfar, the tip is to bring your bikes)
NorjeHavskrog: distance 5 min walk, has alcohol rights and generousopening hours.
OlaMinicamp 1: run by Norje Havskrog.
Distancebetween carts must be 4 meters. Roads between the caravans must notbe blocked for safety reasons. Be vigilant about your privatepossessions as there may be thieves. Feel free to pay by card,withdraw cash inside SRF's area for use during the day/evening. Beespecially vigilant in the first few days for break-ins. Keep aslittle cash as possible. Lock the caravan when you are not there. Ifyou have an accident, contact staff in yellow vests on site, (numberis on the notice) In the event of a serious accident or fire,immediately call 112. Firehydrant and assembly point according to map.
Pleasefollow these safety rules:
Grillingis only permitted in designated areas. Only grills with legs so thedistance to the ground is at least 30 cm is allowed. Make sure youknow where the fire extinguishers are. If you can't find thebarbecue area, ask the staff in yellow vests.
Itis permitted to have an awning/party tent with open sides thatextend a maximum of 3 m from your caravan/motorhome. Tow truck mustbe placed within your zone. Awnings or similar with closed sides notpermitted.
Anapproved fire extinguisher must be in every caravan/mobile home.
Fuel-poweredelectricity plant not permitted.
LPGmay be used if the caravan/mobile home is approved for LPG.
Bringingsofas and the like is not allowed because the fire hazard.
Atcheck-in, you ask where the fire hydrants, assembly area, toilets,shower and barbecue area are, as well as where you are going to thefestival. Seealso the map that is posted.
NOTE: You need to bring your own grounded cable for outdoor use at least 20m long, also applies to tents booked with electrical outlets. Alsobring an extra cable reel for outdoor use with 20 m of cable, seeinfo below*.
Electricityconsumption limit per object: 750 w or max temp on thermostat 18degrees and only the lowest step on electric cartridge or max 500 wfor an independent element is allowed. Coffee/water kettles or otherlarge consumers may not be used at the same time as the heating ison. All proprietary private cables must be fully encapsulated andrated for outdoor use. Cable windings must be unrolled their entirelength, (current coil effect) joints encased in, for example, blackgarbage bags so that no water can enter.
Atcheck-in, each caravan/mobile home and your brought electric cablewill be tested for earth faults. Have your electric cable easilyaccessible upon arrival and make sure where your outlet is on yourequipment so that the check goes quickly and queues are avoided. Ifyou have an earth fault, you can connect your carry-on cable reel*directly to the most basic consumer, eg a refrigerator, until youhave managed to resolve your earth fault. Please check beforedeparture if there is an earth fault in your equipment. How? Google😊
Controlso that the maximum consumption is not exceeded will be carried outon a random basis.
NOTE:when you have been connected to the electricity (performed by staffwith a yellow vest), you are not allowed to touch anything. Shouldyou lose power, contact the staff
Municipalfresh water: outlet available, see signage
Greywaterand latrine emptying from private carriages: Weprefer that you use the toilets available on the premises as wecannot offer private latrine reception. Gray water can easily beemptied into the water toilets that are available if it is managed ina hygienic manner and that each guest cleans up after himself.
Cleaning: Foreveryone's comfort, we want you to regularly clean your rented area.Containers/areas for source sorting are available in the area. Youput cigarettes and snus in posted, marked bins. Free garbage bags areavailable for collection at check-in.
Soundlevel rules: Duringthe day/evening it is ok to play music for your own company, commonsense applies. Between 01-08 it must be quiet for everyone'swell-being and sleep.
Check-out: Forguests who have rented a cabin / caravan, the last check-out isSunday at 2 pm, cleaning is checked after closing, No deposit ishandled, well-behaved guests are welcome to book again
Forother guests:
Check-outSunday 08:00-14:00 or by arrangement. If we find that a guest has notcleaned their area, they may be charged afterwards.
Keyloss: In case of key loss, you will be charged SEK 1,000.
Rules: Guests who do not respect our rules risk eviction and porting.
Seemore information on our website
NorjeHavskrog Ola Lovängen
Norje Havskrog.
Tele: 0456-31646
Boende Sweden Rock.
Tele: 070-3778982